Sombras Y Seducciones / Seductions And Shadows

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libro Sombras Y Seducciones / Seductions And Shadows

Antolino C. Corsino has written this bilingual anthology over a span of 10 years, this is a journey through the experiences that have carved his understanding. He has translated his works to English so no meaning is lost, bringing the art of poetry to both the Spanish and English speaking public. His poems are born of hope and pain written in rum and blood, the poet brings a dark passionate vision to his work. This book will take the reader from seductions to the depths of shadows. Antolino C. Corsino ha escrito esta antologia poetica a traves de una decada, es una jornada que ha forjado su entendimiento. Traduciendo sus obras al ingles para asi mantener intacto el significado de sus palabras, trayendo de esta manera el arte poetico tanto a lectores hispanoparlantes como angloparlantes. Sus obras son nacidas de la esperanza y la agonia escritas en ron y en sangre, traen una oscura pasion a su poesia. Este libro lo llevara desde la seduccion hasta la sombra.

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