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libro Predator

Its not often a crime novel offers such a smorgasbord of oddball elements, including autopsy advice, methods of combating tree blight, the use of spiders in sadomasochist torture and couples covering the sexual and psychological waterfronts. Theres even a little nasty fun at the expense of television psychoanalysts. With geographic locations switching slightly faster than the speed of sound, its to Readings credit that she smoothes out the ultra rumpled excesses of Cornwells mind-boggling plot and takes full advantage of the yarns narrator-friendly present tense. Having given voice to several earlier books in the series, shes got the main characters down cold. Her Dr. Kay Scarpetta is all snarky professional reserve and personal insecurity. Self-loathing lesbian niece Lucy, sounds properly troublesome and troubled, with an added catch in the throat due to a secret shes keeping. Publishers Weekly

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