Paraíso Clausurado

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Resumen del Libro:

libro Paraíso Clausurado

Jenaro Talens, poet, essayist and translator (Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain, 14 January 1946). Educated in Economics and Architecture at the University of Madrid and PhD in Romance Philology from the University of Granada in 1971 with a thesis on the poetry of Luis Cernuda. Professor since 1968 at the University of Valencia and between 1996 and 1998 at the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, since 1999 he is Professor of Hispanic Literatures, Comparative Literature and European Studies at the University of Geneva. He has been Visiting Professor at various European and American centers: Minnesota, Montreal, California-Irvine, Aarhus, the Technische Hochschule of Berlin and Buenos Aires, of whose Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism – FADU – he is Professor Emeritus. He is author of essay collections on semiotics, history and literary theory, as well as film theory and history: El espacio y las máscaras (1975), Novela picaresca y práctica de la transgresión (1975), El texto plural (1975), La escritura como teatralidad (1977), Elementos para una semiótica del texto artístico (1978), El ojo tachado (1986), Autobiography in Early Modern Spain (1988), The Writing of Modernity (1989), Through the Shattering Glass. Cervantes and the Dialogic World (1992), The Politics of Editing (1992). Para una poética dialógica (2002).

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