La Caída De Hyperion

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libro La Caída De Hyperion

In this conclusion to the futuristic tale begun in Hyperion, Earth has long since been destroyed, and humans now occupy more than 150 worlds linked by the Web, an instantaneous travel system created and operated by artificial intelligences (AIs)—self-aware, highly advanced computers. These worlds are about to go to war with the Ousters, a branch of humanity that has disdained dependency on the AIs. At risk are the planet Hyperion, its mysterious Tombs that travel backward in time, and the Shrike, its god/avatar of pain or retribution. Good struggles for supremacy over evil in these epic religious battles between men and machines. La aventura épica de Hyperion alcanza su clímax cuando los peregrinos se reúnen ante las Tumbas de Tiempo y éstas se abren para liberar al Alcaudón. Los humanos de la Hegemonía y de los enjambres éxter, las Inteligencias Artificiales del TecnoNúcleo, los peregrinos del Alacaudón, y el cíbrido que reproduce la personalidad de John Keats, se verán envueltos en la compleja trama del tiempo, del poder, la guerra, la inteligencia, la religión, y el amor.

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