Instrumentos Del Estado De Derecho Para Sociedades Que Han Salido De Un Conflicto: Programas De Reparaciones

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libro Instrumentos Del Estado De Derecho Para Sociedades Que Han Salido De Un Conflicto: Programas De Reparaciones

In response to the myriad violations and abuses of fundamental rights that take place particularly during conflicts and under authoritarian regimes, a variety of measures have been developed. This publication has reviewed some of the relevant international law instruments on reparations, and has raised some of the most difficult challenges that reparations programmes have faced in different parts off the world. It is a practical tool to provide guidance on implementing reparations initiatives and focuses on how to establish (out-of-court) fair and effective reparations programmes in close association with other justice initiatives and with the participation of various stakeholders to help redress cases of gross and serious violations of human rights in the wake of conflict or authoritarian rule.

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