Facilitating And Inhibiting Factors Involved In The Implementation Of A Diversity Based Educational Approach: Implications For Educational Leadership

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libro Facilitating And Inhibiting Factors Involved In The Implementation Of A Diversity Based Educational Approach: Implications For Educational Leadership

Factors that may facilitate or inhibit the implementation of a diversity based educational approach are explored in the context of the regular classroom from the perspective of school teachers and principals. The study design is embedded in the paradigm of qualitative research. A focal group technique was used in order to gather the necessary data for the present study. For this purpose, two focal groups, one integrated by school directors and one by classroom teachers, were interviewed. The group members had participated in a Special Education Academy provided by the Research and Community Empowerment Center (CIReC) of the FILIUS Institute of the University of Puerto Rico. The facilitating and inhibiting factors identified in the study were specially related to: (1) the attitudes teachers and school directors assume as they face the challenge of a change of paradigm in a highly prescriptive context, (2) the need for more autonomy in order to make the necessary decisions to implement the new approach, and (3) the influence of external factors on the internal matters of schools. In order to minimize the negative effects of these factors it is essential to conceptualize new understandings in relation to the purpose of education. Based on the study findings, it is recommended that preparatory programs gear their efforts towards developing leadership that is participatory in nature and focused on creating positive organizational cultures in which all members are actively involved in the decision making process. Also, research efforts should be directed towards understanding the various factors that influence school processes on a daily basis, the impact of these factors on school reform initiatives, and how these should be managed.

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