Breve Historia Del Café En Michoacán

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libro Breve Historia Del Café En Michoacán

Extensive research work that examines the history of coffee in the state of Michoac̀n in Mexico. The book reviews the natural history of the beverage since its discovery in Ethiopia, its success in Europe and the local history of its introduction in the state when diplomat Mariano Michelena brought the first coffee seeds in 1826 as ornate plants. The book follows the boom of the local coffee plantations at the end of the 19th century and the tradition of consuming coffee in the Hotel La Soledad in Morelia, that became a cultural center during the last part of the 19th century until the mid 20th century and where the author states that – Coffee consumption has been intimately related to the arts. A society that consumes large amounts of coffee is a society with ideas in movement and a great diversity of interests -. Includes some recipes that use coffee as their main ingredient, either in beverages or other type of dishes.

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