Testimonial Discourses From Argentine Guerrilla Women: Reviewing The Political Resistance In Mujeres Guerrilleras (1996), Poder Y Desaparicion (1998) And Ese Infierno (2001).

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Resumen del Libro:

libro Testimonial Discourses From Argentine Guerrilla Women: Reviewing The Political Resistance In  Mujeres Guerrilleras  (1996),  Poder Y Desaparicion  (1998) And  Ese Infierno  (2001).

The dissertation centers on the sociopolitical and cultural process that is taking place in present-day Argentine society with respect to those who participated in the resistance to the military dictatorships who ruled Argentina from 1966 to 1973 and from 1976 to 1983. It primarily studies the genre of testimonio (or testimonial discourse) as employed by women who belonged to militant organizations and who were subsequently imprisoned in clandestine centers run by the military. The works focused on primarily include Mujeres guerrilleras. La militancia de los setenta en el testimonio de sus protagonistas femeninas, by Marta Diana (1996), Poder y desaparicion. Los campos de concentracion en Argentina, by Pilar Calveiro (1998), and Ese infierno. Conversaciones de cinco mujeres sobrevivientes de la ESMA, by Munu Actis, Cristina Aldini, Liliana Gardella, Miriam Lewin and Elisa Tokar (2001).

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