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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1783 Excerpt: …an Inserior not dependant, worse. Offend her, and see knows not to forgive . Oblige her, and shell hate you while youlive But die, and shell adore you-Then the Bust And Temple rise–then fall again to dust Last night, her Lord was all thats good and great-A Knave this morning, and his Will a Cheat-Strange! by the Means defeated of the Ends By Spirit robbd of Powr, by Warmth of Friends, By Wealth of Followrs! without one distress Sick of herself, through very selsissiness! At ossa, cursd with evry granted prayr, Childless with all her Children, wants an Heir. To Heirs unknown descends thunguarded store Or wanders, Heavn-dire ed, to the Poor. Pictures like these, dear Madam, to dengn, A& no sirm hand, and no unerring line, Some wandring touches, some reflectedlight Some flying stroke alone can hit em right: For For how should equal Colours do the knack? Chameleons who can paint in white and black? Yet Chhe sure was formd without a spot. –Nature in her then errd not, but forgot. With evry pleasing, evry prudent part, Say, what can Cbloe want? –She wants a Heart. She speaks, behaves, and acts just as she ought, But never, never, reachd one genrous Thought. Virtue she sinds too painful an endeavour, Content to dwell in Decencies for ever. So very reasonable, so unmovd, As never yet to love, or to be lovd. She, while her Lover pants upon her breast, Can mark the sigures on an Indian chest, And when she sees her Friend in deep despair, Observes how much a Chintz exceeds Mohair. Forbid it, Heavn! a Favour or a Debt She eer should cancel–but she may forget. Sase is your secret still in Chloes ear, But none of Chloes shall you ever hear. Of all her Dears she never slanderd one, But cafe…
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