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Studies show that children who learn a second language also develop a larger vocabulary and a better understanding of the structural and grammatical rules of their first language. WithSkills for Scholars Spanish, Grade 1, children acquire the Spanish speaking, reading, and listening skills that will make them ore successful in the school years ahead. Offering 80 pages of full-color activities, perforated pages, easy-to-follow directions and complete answer key, children will have fun learning a second language. Features activities that teach: ~ Spanish number, color, food, animal, clothing, family, & place words ~ Parts of speech ~ Spanish introductions & greetings ~ Spanish words for days of the week ~ Listening skills ~ Spanish songs & chants The popularSkills for Scholars Workbook seriesoffers a full complement of instruction, activities, and information in 51 subject-specific workbooks. Encompassing preschool to grade 6, this series covers key subjects including basic skills, English & grammar, math, phonics, reading, science, and Spanish. This series is designed for students who need intervention or enrichment and gives them a solid foundation in key skills necessary for success in the classroom!
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