Otros Seres

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libro Otros Seres

The reader will find in this anthology a diversity representative of the new Hispanic sensibility being formed in the three Americas. Spanish has become an extensively used language, crossing frontiers with workers that migrate through regions, helping to unite these beings separated by nationalities but who are brothers because of common feelings and the same cultural and linguistic heritage. The poetry in this book performs a reparative role, trying to come closer to another being, the spirit of creativity, and make it more a part of the poetic self. It does so through the magic of the lyrical word. El lector encontrará en esta antología una diversidad representativa de la nueva sensibilidad hispana en formación en las tres Américas. El español se ha vuelto una lengua de uso extendido, que cruza las fronteras con los trabajadores que se desplazan por su territorio, ayudando a unir a estos seres separados por las nacionalidades pero hermanados por un sentir común y una misma herencia cultural y lingüística. La poesía aquí tiene un papel reparador, tratando de acercar al otro y hacerlo más íntimo para el yo, mediante la magia de la palabra poética. Because the anthology is thematic, its poetic form is eclectic. The poets come from distinct poetic schools, employ different styles. Juana Arancibia writes verse that is reflective and unpretentious, a manner fostered by her regional roots and the poetry of Northwest Argentina for which she is a passionate spokesperson. Rubén Vela cultivates a stirring Poetry Americana that defends American values and is linked to the great movement initiated by Neruda in his Canto General. Ester de Izaguirre creates poetry that is intimate, colloquial and urban, idiomatic to the area of Rio de La Plata. José Cuervo associates more with Hispanic poetry written in North America, Chicano poetry, in which social meditation bears priority over the form of verse. Fitzgerald expresses great affection for nature, a common theme…

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