Once Again The Return Of The Thirteen: Love And Rupture Of The Mask In Piedra De Sol .

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libro Once Again The Return Of The Thirteen: Love And Rupture Of The Mask In  Piedra De Sol .

In 1957 Octavio Paz wrote Piedra de sol, a transcendental work of art not only for himself but also for the reader. The poets mission in Piedra de sol is to find and achieve a communion with the Other (the woman) in order to find authentic love, and by those means transcend to a sacred place that goes beyond all utopian and vain aspects of humanity. It is through such transcendent experience that the tools are given so that one can experience and obtain authentic love : historic memory and time. Historic memory is the memory of our lives, the deceiving, and the one that the poet needs to recall and cancel so that he can reconstruct himself through the acquisition of his conscience so that he would be able to be born again through the romantic experience of the Other. Time is the assassin, the hour, and the instant is the duality of good and evil, that does not allow the human to even dream about the eternal romantic moment, that does not allow us to be eternal.

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