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Mr. Biggs is a very curious Sasquatch who has huge feet and an even bigger heart. One day, as he hikes next to a creek, he finds a bright and colorful circus poster. He has never been to the circus before and it looks like fun. He sets off to discover all of the exiting adventures the circus has to offer. Come along with Mr. Biggs on his journey as he flips on the trapeze, dances with huge bear, stomps with elephants and much, much more. Will the giant Mr. Biggs find out he fits in a circusÉor is he just too big? One thing is for sureÉ heÕll have tons of fun along the way! Mr. Biggs at the Circus is a hilarious and heartÐwarming story for both the young and youngÐatÐheart, with vividly wacky illustrations which will make you laugh out loud with every turn of the page.
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