El Destape Del Macho Iberico: Masculinidades Disidentes En La Comedia Sexy (celt)iberica

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libro El Destape Del Macho Iberico: Masculinidades Disidentes En La Comedia Sexy (celt)iberica

In 1970, at the twilight of Francos dictatorial regime and the beginning of the transition to democracy, the Spanish cinematic comedy takes a sudden turn toward the sexual. The protagonist of these new comedies is often a male character habitually deemed the macho iberico, the prototypical Spanish macho man, whose persona, according to most critics, is harmonious with Francoist definitions of manliness. This notion of the juxtaposition of masculinity and national identity still inhabits the collective imaginary in todays Spain, as some films from the late 1990s and the beginning of the new millennium show.

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