Curvas De Fragilidad Para Estructuras De Porticos De Hormigon Armado En Puerto Rico Involucrando El Efecto De Las Paredes De Mamposteria No Estructurales

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libro Curvas De Fragilidad Para Estructuras De Porticos De Hormigon Armado En Puerto Rico Involucrando El Efecto De Las Paredes De Mamposteria No Estructurales

The structures of reinforced concrete frames with masonry walls represent a significant part of the structures built in Puerto Rico and many other places throughout the World. Many structural engineers analyze this type of structure without taking into consideration the interaction between the structural elements and the masonry walls. This interaction modifies significantly the behavior of the structure under lateral loads. In some cases provides stiffness and lateral resistance and in others making the building more vulnerable. For this reason it is necessary to have tools in order to predict the behavior and possible damage these structures could have during a determined earthquake. One of the most frequently tools used for this purpose are the fragility curves. In this work fragility curves and probability damage matrix are built for different types of concrete structures in Puerto Rico, using a variety of configurations in which block walls can be found inside the structure. For this reason dynamic non-linear analysis were done for each of the models using the LARZ-2D program and incorporating the block walls using the equivalent diagonal method proposed by Stafford Smith and Carter (1969) and modified by FEMA 306 (1998). A non-linear model of variable stiffness was built and incorporated in the program for the required analysis. Each model was analyzed for five different earthquakes scaling the accelerations from 0.1g to 1.5g on increasing of 0.1g. The obtained results show that in most cases walls were beneficial in decreasing the percentage of total damage. The structures that contributed to the good performance of de building were those that possessed masonry block in all spans while those that had a negative behavior were basically the two level structures with block walls on the second floor only.

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