Bienal Sudcaliforniana De Pintura Carlos Olachea Boucsiéguez

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libro Bienal Sudcaliforniana De Pintura Carlos Olachea Boucsiéguez

Prize winners from the 2005 edition of the Biennial of painting from the state of Baja California Sur in Mexico. Artists who received prizes were: Nora White Toole, Rigoberto Torres Payán and Yves Gregoire Lizárraga and those who received honorary mention prizes included: Francisco A. Barron M, Hugo Enrique Olachea Boucsiéguez, Agustin Vélez Gallegos, Aníbal Angulo Cosio and Paulino Pérez González. Carlos Olachea was a local painter who died in 1986.

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